Government COVID spend sees projects completed in the Hunter

The NSW Government’s COVID spend has seen projects completed in the Hunter region.

A total of seven projects in the Hunter have now been completed among the 150 road and rail projects to be delivered under the stimulus funding.

Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter Taylor Martin said the projects are being funded by the NSW Government’s $2.3 billion COVID-19 package announced last March, to help keep regional economies ticking and to create local jobs.

“The Accelerated Capital Maintenance program was designed to fast-track projects and proved to be a lifeline for our community – delivering safer roads and stronger freight and rail connections, as well as creating local jobs when they were needed most,” Taylor Martin said.

“The package allowed Transport for NSW to bring forward and deliver projects in addition to its planned program of work.”

“As well as underpinning regional jobs, we have also been able to engage local suppliers across NSW, providing a much-needed boost for businesses in the bush.”

The biggest spend in the Hunter was $825,000 for the rehabilitation of Vermont Road at Mulbring.

Other projects funded and completed include:

  • $825,000 for the rehabilitation of Vermont Road, Mulbring
  • $620,000 for the improvement of safety at the intersection of the Pacific Highway and Sydney Street Gateshead
  • $251,802 for the resurfacing of Lake Road at Argenton and Glendale
  • $431,275 for the resurfacing of 700 metres of Raymond Terrace Road at East Maitland and an additional $300,000 for the patching of sections of Raymond Terrace Road
  • $135,000 for the upgrade of landscaping along the New England Highway around Maitland
  • $210,000 for upgrades at High Street Station including the car park

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said the 150 projects provided a critical boost to regional economies feeling the effects of COVID-19.

“Right across the State, this program alone has delivered 400 kilometres of rumble strips, which reduce the risk of head-on and run-off-road crashes by up to 25 percent, upgraded 200 kilometres of rail line, and improved carparks and customer amenities at more than 15 regional railway stations,” Paul Toole said.

“Bringing these projects forward through stimulus funding has given our regional communities a real shot-in-the-arm, especially those who have suffered a triple whammy of drought, bushfires and COVID-19.”

Image credit: Roads and Maritime Services