COVID-19 booster shots available in the Hunter

COVID-19 booster shots are now being offered at state-run vaccination hubs in the Hunter region.

The booster shots will be Pfizer and are available to those over 18-years-old who had their second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine six months ago.

It doesn’t matter which vaccine type you had, you’ll get Pfizer for the booster.

Dr David Durrhiem, Public Health Controller with Hunter New England Health said there are positive results overseas in people who have had a booster shot.

“We’ve seen amazing data from Israel and the United Stated which confirms that over six months the protection offered by the COVID-19 vaccines slowly wanes. Now we don’t want that with the delta strain, we want to be 100 per cent protected or as close to it as possible with the delta strain.”

“What we’re seeing from Israel which is really encouraging is that in people who have had their third dose they are about eleven fold less likely to get symptomatic COVID than those who have only had two doses and what’s even more exciting is that if they’ve had three doses that sever disease is about 19 times less likely,”

“So I encourage everyone, those that are old, those who have underlying conditions, health workers, people six months after your second dose you need to get your booster as soon as possible to protect you against COVID-19.”

“I’m feeling super protected against the delta a strain and I am encouraging everyone, every one of you to make sure you get a booster when six months have expired from the time of your second dose,” said Dr Durrhiem after getting his booster jab at the Belmont Vaccination Hub yesterday.