Climate activist sentenced to 12 months jail, granted bail for an appeal

A climate activist who was sentenced to 12 months in jail has been granted bail for an appeal of his sentence.

22-year-old Sergeio Herbert has been behind bars for more than a week over his role in a series of coal protests across the Hunter.

He was arrested after halting a train by climbing on top of it. He was then arrested last week under suspicion the following week on Kooragang Island, where he was charged with Assist in Obstruction of Rail Locomotive and Hinder Mining Equipment.

His release follows a number of rallies on Wednesday across Newcastle, Brisbane and Bellingin where people gathered in solidarity with Mr Herbert’s action.

Blockade Australia who organised the ten days of action, which resulted in Mr Herbert’s arrest say the real threat to everyday people is powerful institutions that are set on digging up the Earth until there is nothing left.

“Australia’s judicial system is another piece of its armament used to protect its interests of extraction and destruction.

“Australia will continue to respond to people fighting back by throwing activists in prison, we will continue to respond with effective resistance,” A statement said.