Newcastle-born National RSL President invited to Queen Elizabeth’s funeral

Newcastle will be represented at the funeral service of Queen Elizabeth II on Monday.

The RSL National President Greg Melick is one of ten Australians who have been invited to be a part of the service to farewell the longest reigning monarch.

Mr Melick was born in Newcastle and attended Newcastle Boy’s High School. He joined the Army Reserve in 1966 and commanded at all levels.

He was posted to Tasmania in 1977 as ADC to the governor, Sir Stanley Burbury. Mr Melick built his life in Tasmania pursuing a successful legal career and is now a Hobart-based Senior Counsel. He has appeared for and/or advised, often pro bono, many veterans and police officers who have suffered mental trauma arising from their service.

Mr Melick has conducted several investigations, including the Beaconsfield mine collapse and the COVID 19 outbreak in NW Tasmania.

Image: Newcastle Old Boys High School Facebook page