Five people charged with 81 offences across the Hunter Valley

Five people are before the courts charged with 81 trespass, illegal hunting and malicious damage offences across the Hunter Valley

The Rural Crime Prevention Team was tasked to investigate the incidents after a number of reports were made to Hunter Valley Police earlier this year.

With the help of the Department of Primary Industries, three men and one teenager were arrested and charged with enter agricultural land with hunting dog, enter private land to hunt animal without consent and destroy or damage property.

The teenager – a 17-year-old boy – is before children’s court on Wednesday, while one of the other men – a 23-year-old – is due before Singleton Local Court tomorrow.

The other two – another 23-year-old and a 29-year-old – are due to appear next week, along with a 25-year-old woman who is facing charges for not disclosing her identity.