Man and woman caught with cannabis, guns and prohibited weapons at Muswellbrook

A man and a woman have been charged after drugs, guns and prohibited weapons were found by police in their car at Muswellbrook.

Hunter Valley Highway Patrol officers pulled over a Mitsubishi Lancer at the car park of the Ampol service station on Sydney Street at about 10:40am yesterday.

Officers spoke to the 25-year-old male driver and 26-year-old female passenger who were both from Tamworth. Police conducted a Random Drug Test on the driver which returned a positive reading for cannabis.

While testing the driver police could smell a strong cannabis odour from within the vehicle so they searched it and located 11.8 grams of Cannabis, 2 hunting knives, a homemade baton and a replica Glock 17. Both occupants of the vehicle were arrested and taken to Muswellbrook Police Station.

The male driver did a secondary drug test which returned a positive result to Cannabis and was issued a 24 hour prohibition notice and refused bail to face court today. He was charged with possess unauthorised pistol, possess unregistered firearm, acquire unregistered firearm and not keep firearm safely. The drug test was sent for further testing before any action taken against him.

The female passenger was charged with possess prohibited dug, two counts of possession of knives in a public place and possess or use a prohibited weapon with permit (Baton). She was issued a Field Court Attendance Notice to face court in November.